Children develop speech and language skills in a predictable fashion...This chart shows typical ages for development of speech and language, although normal children vary in their development. Children develop at different rates and will not follow this timetable exactly.
Birth-3 Months Cooing; mostly vowel sounds
4-9 Months Babbling ("ma ma", "bababa")
10-12 Months Loud multi-syllabic jabbering
Imitates sounds and syllables
Follows simple commands
Recognizes own name and "no"
Gestures or vocalizes to communicate wants and needs
First words 12-18 Months 10-50 word vocabulary at 18 months
12-18 Months 10-50 word vocabulary at 18 months
Uses "jargon"--multi-syllabic babbling or nonsense "words"
Points to named objects or pictures
Answers, "What's this?"
Asks for "more"
18-24 Months 200 word vocabulary at 24
Points to 5 body parts at 22 months
Produces animal sounds
2 word "sentences"
Understands 300 words
2- 2 1/2 Years Uses 3-4 word sentences
Understands 500 words
Answers "where" questions
Asks simple questions
Says full name
Begins to use verb + ing, irregular past tense and plurals
2 1/2 - 3 Years Speech is 90% intelligible
Can carry on conversations
Can follow 2 step commands
Can recite a few rhymes
3-4 Years p,b,m,w,h, are used correctly in speech
Asks "what" and "who" questions
Counts 3 objects
Uses "is," "are," "am", "and," "not," pronouns, and verb contractions in speech
Uses 4-5 word sentences
4-5 Years t,d,k,g,n,ng, and y are mastered
Most consonant sounds are used correctly in speech, although some errors are still common.
Counts 10 objects
Names 4 colors
Uses 5-8 word sentences
Still makes occasional grammatical errors
Can define words and tell stories
Sources: Developmental Sequences of Language Behavior: Overview (Nicolosi and Colllins)
Speech and Language Development Chart (Word Making Producations 1980